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vineri, 16 octombrie 2020

Гелена Великанова. Песня "Стоят девчонки", Голубой огонек 1966 г.

Гелена Великанова. Песня "Стоят девчонки", Голубой огонек 1966 г. ▶Подписаться на канал "Советское телевидение": https://goo.gl/qw3iEK Год производства: 1966 Песня Александра Колкера на стихи Кима Рыжова "Стоят девчонки" в исполнении легендарной эстрадной певицы СССР Гелены Великановой. Песня «Стоят девчонки» Композитор: Колкер Александр Автор слов: Рыжов Ким Исполнитель: Великанова Гелена (вокал) в сопровождении инструментального ансамбля Из концертной программы "Голубой огонек № 194. Ноябрьский". Главная редакция музыкальных программ ЦТ, 1966 год. Автор сценария: Лев Лукьянов Режиссер: Виктор Мееровский Оператор: Юрий Игнатов #ГеленаВеликанова #стоятдевчонки #постатистике #голубойогонек #1966 Наши группы в соцсетях: 📌 Facebook: https://bit.ly/31fhz5F 📌 VK: https://bit.ly/3o5QH1Z 📌 ОK: https://bit.ly/31dJ53s Приложение для смартфона "Радио. XX век" 🔗 Google Play: https://bit.ly/3duMXC8 🔗 App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/радио-xx-век/id1336486169

Pci Voinici Channel

marți, 11 august 2020

GAMERMAN – Earn Money Playing Your Favorite Games | Earn $100 Per Day Playing New Games

GAMERMAN – Earn Money Playing Your Favorite Games |Earn $100 Per Day Playing New Games 🎮 https://bit.ly/33WnZbQ What’s better than playing video games? Getting paid cash money to play video games! Gaming is an extremely fun past-time, and turning it into a full-time income is many people’s ultimate dream. Luckily for you, it’s not only possible — video games can earn you more than a traditional job. Some people are making six, seven, and even eight figures playing games for a living. Want to learn how? Here is one simple method to make money playing video games – that really works. First step is to register with this outstanding platform where games are played and awarded ... 🎮 https://bit.ly/33WnZbQ 2020 - Learning how to make money online can seem like a black box of bad ideas. How To Make Money Playing Games – Get Paid To Play. 2020 - Have you ever read an article on how to make money online that ended up being a sales pitch. The internet offers many opportunities to generate passive income and make money online. Learning how to make money online can seem like a black box of bad ideas. Make money playing video games from home!

Pci Voinici Channel

miercuri, 26 februarie 2020

Popcorn Pandemonium | Grizzy & The Lemmings | Boomerang

Grizzy is awoken by the smell of lemmings making popcorn. He decides that he will use this delicious aroma to entice a lady bear into joining him for a romantic popcorn feast. But the Lemmings have other ideas. Subscribe to the Boomerang Africa YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=CartoonNetworkAfrica Visit the Boomerang Africa website: http://bit.ly/380Q3JL Welcome to the official Boomerang Africa YouTube channel, the place where you can watch funny videos, clips with theme tunes and songs and interactive game plays from The Tom and Jerry Show, Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!, Wabbit, The Looney Tunes Show, Inspector Gadget, Mr Bean and many more. Get ready to laugh out loud and join us by subscribing to the channel!

Pci Voinici Channel

joi, 21 noiembrie 2019

Развивающие и обучающие мультики про машинки и животных: Бип - бип (детские песенки)

Веселая песенка про машинки поможет ребенку легко запомнить названия цветов! Но это не просто мультфильм - это веселая игра! Малыш должен отгадать по лапкам, какое животное едет за рулем. Ваш малыш узнает животных и запоминает цвета играя. Подпишись и все детские песенки вы найдете на нашем канале: https://www.youtube.com/user/TeremokS... Все лучшие мультфильмы в наших группах: ВК: http://bit.ly/2QCXQbt, ОК: http://bit.ly/TeremOK, ФБ: http://bit.ly/2XHCmfi. Наш сайт: http://bit.ly/2OBORVm Слова: Анастасия Трофимова Музыка: Лидия Готман Песню исполняет: Арсений Куликов Аранжировка: Юрий Фурса Аниматор: Манзура Овчинникова Продюсер: Артур Днепровский Москва, 2016 год Текст песни: Едет красная машина А в машине пассажир Кто в машине красной едет Ты попробуй, подскажи Бип-бип, отгадай Стекла опускай! Бип-бип, отгадай Стекла опускай! Кто же это? Это Собачка! Ваф-Ваф! Ахаха! Едет желтая машина, А в машине пассажир, Кто в машине желтой едет, Ты попробуй, подскажи. Бип-бип, отгадай, Стекла опускай! Кто же это? Ну, конечно! Котенок! Мяу! Едет белая машина, А в машине пассажир, Кто в машине белой едет, Ты попробуй, подскажи. Бип-бип, отгадай, Стекла опускай! Кто там? Это Енот! Фыр-Фыр! Едет черная машина, А в машине пассажир, Кто в машине черной едет, Ты попробуй, подскажи. Бип-бип, отгадай, Стекла опускай! Кто же едет в черной машине? Бегемот! Умница! Едет синяя машина, А в машине пассажир, Кто в машине синей едет, Ты попробуй, подскажи. Бип-бип, отгадай, Стекла опускай! Кто это? Да это же Краб! Смотри, какие у него клешнИ! Клац-Клац! И в оранжевой машине Тоже едет пассажир, Кто в оранжевой машине, Ты попробуй, подскажи! Бип-бип, отгадай, Стекла опускай! Кто же там едет такой высокий? Ого, да это Жираф! Привет, Жираф! Вот зеленая машина, А в машине пассажир, Кто в зелененькой машине, Ты попробуй, подскажи. Бип-бип, отгадай, Стекла опускай! Кто же это? Зайчик! Смотри, какие у зайчика длинные ушки! В фиолетовой машине Тоже едет пассажир. В фиолетовой в машине Кто же едет, подскажи! Бип-бип, отгадай, Стекла опускай! Кто же это? Обезьянка! Вот в коричневой машине, тоже едет пассажир, Кто в коричневой машине, Ты попробуй, подскажи. Бип-бип, отгадай, Стекла опускай! Кто же это? Ого, да это же настоящий Лев! Как здорово! Вот и в розовой машине Тоже едет пассажир Кто же в розовой машине Ты попробуй, подскажи. Бип-бип, отгадай, Стекла опускай! Кто же это, интересно! Поросенок! Уи-Уи! Ахахаха!

Pci Voinici Channel

marți, 4 iunie 2019

Мультики про машинки. Робокары. Мастерская игрушек. Гараж. 로보카 폴리

Сегодня в нашей МАСТЕРСКОЙ ИГРУШЕК целая коробка сломанных роботов. Это машинки из мультфильма "Робокар Поли"("로보카 폴리"). Давайте вместе их починим!

Pci Voinici Channel

miercuri, 17 aprilie 2019

Авто Патруль - Спецвыпуск Мстители - Мстители спасают Джереми - детский мультфильм

Скачивайте приложение Car city World! Играйте в игры, учитесь и смотрите мультфильмы про Автомобильный город : http://bit.ly/2UnM5Ej Скачивайте приложения Автомобильного города и Вы получите массу мультиков, игр и уроков для дошколят (iOS и Android): http://bit.ly/2ZjF6jm Авто Патруль - Спецвыпуск Мстители - Мстители спасают Джереми - детский мультфильм Скачай игру Карл под Водой здесь! Android: smarturl.it/CUW_Android iOS: smarturl.it/CUW_iOS Авто Патруль, состоящий из полицейской машины и пожарной машины - это мультик для детей. Полицейская машина Мэт и пожарная машина Фрэнк состоят в Авто патруле, и помогают всем машинком в беде! Если такая машина как пожарная машина, полицейская машина, скорая помощь, мусоровоз, автобус, строительные машины, бульдозер, трактор, монстер трак и даже поезд попадает в неприятности, Авто Патруль спешит на помощь! Этот мультфильм для детей очень понравится ребятам, которых интересуют машинки. Добро пожаловать в Автомобильный Город, где грузовики и машинки счастливо живут вместе. Следуйте за Эвакуатором Томом, который всегда готов прийти на помощь, полицейским Мэтом и пожарным Френком, бесстрашными детективами Автомобильного Патруля, самым быстрым поездом Троем, Супер Грузовиком Карлом и другими друзьями в их невероятных приключениях! -⮚ НОВОЕ! Автомобильный Город мультфильмы для детей с Супер Грузовиком Карлом! Автомобильным Патрулём! Эвакуатором Томом! Поездом Троем! : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgFmDqLEBH62y4o62-6Dv-qoghdOEJJYn -⮚ Авто Патруль Автомобильного города Мультфильмы про машинки с Пожарным грузовиком, Полицейской машиной, Поездом, Скорой Помощью, Эвакуатором, Краном и другими машинами: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDdxVgau_yYy6N1ZGO81p203WOo8f5Gnu -⮚ Все эпизоды Автомобильного Города с Авто Патрулём, Супер Грузовиком Карлом, Эвакуатором Томом, и поездом Троем! : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTnm-YYb9N8iLl2gl0gVr6YZrGlAtmkEV -⮚ НОВЫЙ мультфильм Автомобильного Города для детей с Эвакуатором Томом,Супер Грузовиком Карлом, Полицейским автомобилем Мэтом, Пожарным Френком и Поездом Троем : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5WxhnkgnM_Fcx2V8X1tduC8ZxEa4DNT

Pci Voinici Channel

marți, 12 martie 2019

Ilie Maxian & Nătălița Olaru - Azi Așa ! (Official Video)

Contacte pentru evenimente: Ilie Maxian +373 60 095939 Online : https://ift.tt/2VSx9Pq https://ift.tt/2u1drFn Nătălița Olaru: +373 79 544200 Online: https://ift.tt/2VRD6MH https://ift.tt/2u14uM7 Muzică/Text - Sandu Gorgos Sound&Mixare – Sergiu Teacă Regie/Producție – Ion Banaru D.O.P/ Edited - Mihai Schiopu Scenariu/Co-Producție – Feoctist Cănățui VFX/ Color correction/ Lights - Adrian Şeremet Costume/ Make up - Tatiana Codreanu Scenografie - Slava Tomşa Asistent camera - Cristian Ceban Actori: Anatol Melnic Silviu Boiniceanu Giasti Sirah Nicolae “Kamikadze” Carp Cristina Donici Mihai Dicusar Natalia Maxian Mihai Bordian Cristan Roşca Nicu Roşca Hasan Cristian Sebastian Ghimpu Igor Şoltoian Petru Popa Gabriela Braducean- Dulgher Dansatori : Cristina Rusu Sandu Galai Doina Fodea Nicolae Cucieru Mulțumiri : Muzeul Zemstvei Corina Braducean-Dulgher Restaurant “Epoca de Piatra” Pascaru Production Teatrul Dramatic Rus de Stat “A.P. Cehov” Kamikadze Tatiana Sărăcuța © IncreDibilii Production 2019

Pci Voinici Channel

sâmbătă, 23 februarie 2019

Top 5 Emotional Performances in The Voice Kids 2018

1. Abu: "Titanic My Heart Will Go On" 2. Yosina: "Ken Je Mij" 3. Roksana Węgiel: "Halo" 4. Daneliya Tulyeshova: "Stone Cold" 5. Yana Horna: "Soon We'll Be Found" best Emotional Blind Auditions the voice kids, the voice kids Emotional songs, the voice kids cry, the voice kids 2018, best Performance the voice kids, The Voice Kids Vlaanderen, Голос країни, the voice Emotional, top 10 Performance the voice, the voice blind auditions 2018, the voice season 14, marco borsato the voice, x factor auditions, the voice season 14,

Pci Voinici Channel

joi, 14 februarie 2019

joi, 3 ianuarie 2019

Game Ghép Hình Các Loại Xe là Phương Tiện Giao Thông Chuyên Dụng

Game Ghép Hình Các Loại Xe là Phương Tiện Giao Thông Chuyên Dụng ----------------------------------------- Sự tích tết Trung thu và Bánh Trung Thu: https://goo.gl/nPzcTo Xem các loại xe ở đây: https://youtu.be/vBdAzJSgKT8 Cùng xem ghép hình xe: https://goo.gl/hD9Y9n Game xếp hính xe oto: https://goo.gl/e8QLNS Game ghép hính các loại xe: https://goo.gl/9EBfFm Mời các bạn và các bé cùng học các loại phương tiện giao thông chuyên dụng như xe chở xăng, xe chở rác, xe quét rác, xe tưới nước,... Những loại xe mà các em ở nông thôn rất ít khi được nhìn thấy, còn các bé ở thành thị thì có nhiều cơ hội được gặp và xem hơn. Vì thế các em hãy ghi nhớ tên và hình ảnh các loại xe chuyên dụng này nhé Cảm ơn các bạn đã xem và ủng hộ kênh Toli tv phát triển, hãy nhớ like coment và chia sẻ video nhé!

Pci Voinici Channel

sâmbătă, 8 decembrie 2018

Bogdan Ioan - Earth Song | Auditiile pe nevazute | Vocea Romaniei 2018

Vocea Romaniei, un sezon cu multe noutati si plin de energie. Antrenorii sunt gata sa inceapa lupta si apeleaza la toate armele pentru a aduce in echipele lor cele mai bune voci. Tudor, Irina, Andra si Smiley isi completeaza replicile si au reactii care starnesc ropote de aplauze si rasete in randul publicului.

Pci Voinici Channel

luni, 3 decembrie 2018

Earn Free Bitcoin Celebrating 10 Years of the Bitcoin

YOU DON’T NEED MONEY TO GET #BITCOIN As Bitcoin price continues to rise, it’s getting ever more expensive to buy for the average person. But earning bitcoin might just be the best way to accumulate this digital gold. Earning #money online without expending too much effort is something that everybody craves. With the rise and increasing popularity of digital currencies such as Bitcoin, #Litecoin and #Ether, it’s no surprise that so many people are interested in joining the crypto-train—hopefully without paying too much for a ticket. Earn Bitcoins in 8 different ways Contents of Earn Bitcoins Earn Bitcoins by accepting them as a means of payment 🏬 Earn free Bitcoins by completing tasks on websites ✔ Earn Bitcoins from interest payments % Earn Bitcoins from mining 💎 Earn Bitcoins by getting tipped 👏 Earn Bitcoins through trading 📈 Earn Bitcoins as a regular income 👨 Earn Bitcoins from gambling - not suitable for everyone 🎰

Pci Voinici Channel

How To Earn Free Bitcoin In Hindi VIDEO 7

This is probably the easiest way to earn 💰Free Bitcoin in less than 10 min ⏰. No need to download, just Enter your Bitcoin address to start. http://btcpeek.com Perhaps the most well known crypto-currency on the market, #Bitcoin is like digital #gold. There is a finite supply that can be ‘mined’ every year using sophisticated software. This is called #blockchain technology, we'll go into more detail about blockchain in a future post. At its simplest, Bitcoin is either virtual #currency or reference to the technology. You can make transactions by check, wiring, or cash. You can also use Bitcoin (or #BTC), where you refer the purchaser to your signature, which is a long line of security code encrypted with 16 distinct symbols. The purchaser decodes the code with his smartphone to get your cryptocurrency. Put another way; #cryptocurrency is an exchange of digital information that allows you to buy or sell goods and services.The transaction gains its security and trust by running on a peer-to-peer computer network that is similar to #Skype, or #BitTorrent, a file-sharing system. Without getting into the technical details, Bitcoin works on a vast public #ledger, also called a blockchain, where all confirmed transactions are included as so-called ‘blocks.’ As each block enters the system, it is broadcast to the peer-to-peer computer network of users for validation. In this way, all users are aware of each transaction, which prevents stealing and double-spending, where someone spends the same currency twice. The process also helps blockchain users trust the system. 🏦 Buy Bitcoin https://ift.tt/2nsEQwi https://ift.tt/2DRsb0Y 💰 Buy with PayPal: https://ift.tt/2nsary9 ⛏️ Mining Online https://ift.tt/2DOAx9x https://ift.tt/2nrG6zT https://ift.tt/1mvVNC1 (Use Code ➡ yL14nm ⬅ for 3% Bonus) 🤑 Earn FREE Bitcoins 💲💲💲 https://ift.tt/2nrl844 http://BtcPeek.com Earn Bitcoins Logo HOME WHAT IS BITCOIN DOWNLOADS CONTACT Earn Bitcoins in 8 different ways Earn Bitcoins by accepting them as a means of payment 🏬 Earn free Bitcoins by completing tasks on websites ✔ Earn Bitcoins from interest payments % Earn Bitcoins from mining 💎 Earn Bitcoins by getting tipped 👏 Earn Bitcoins through trading 📈 Earn Bitcoins as a regular income 👨 Earn Bitcoins from gambling - not suitable for everyone 🎰

Pci Voinici Channel

vineri, 23 noiembrie 2018

Automatically Earn Bitcoin Without work by android Video 2

This is probably the easiest way to earn 💰Free Bitcoin in less than 10 min ⏰. No need to download, just Enter your Bitcoin address to start. http://btcpeek.com Perhaps the most well known crypto-currency on the market, #Bitcoin is like digital #gold. There is a finite supply that can be ‘mined’ every year using sophisticated software. This is called #blockchain technology, we'll go into more detail about blockchain in a future post. At its simplest, Bitcoin is either virtual #currency or reference to the technology. You can make transactions by check, wiring, or cash. You can also use Bitcoin (or #BTC), where you refer the purchaser to your signature, which is a long line of security code encrypted with 16 distinct symbols. The purchaser decodes the code with his smartphone to get your cryptocurrency. Put another way; #cryptocurrency is an exchange of digital information that allows you to buy or sell goods and services.The transaction gains its security and trust by running on a peer-to-peer computer network that is similar to #Skype, or #BitTorrent, a file-sharing system. Without getting into the technical details, Bitcoin works on a vast public #ledger, also called a blockchain, where all confirmed transactions are included as so-called ‘blocks.’ As each block enters the system, it is broadcast to the peer-to-peer computer network of users for validation. In this way, all users are aware of each transaction, which prevents stealing and double-spending, where someone spends the same currency twice. The process also helps blockchain users trust the system. 🏦 Buy Bitcoin https://ift.tt/2nsEQwi https://ift.tt/2DRsb0Y 💰 Buy with PayPal: https://ift.tt/2nsary9 ⛏️ Mining Online https://ift.tt/2DOAx9x https://ift.tt/2nrG6zT https://ift.tt/1mvVNC1 (Use Code ➡ yL14nm ⬅ for 3% Bonus) 🤑 Earn FREE Bitcoins 💲💲💲 https://ift.tt/2nrl844 http://BtcPeek.com Earn Bitcoins Logo HOME WHAT IS BITCOIN DOWNLOADS CONTACT Earn Bitcoins in 8 different ways Earn Bitcoins by accepting them as a means of payment 🏬 Earn free Bitcoins by completing tasks on websites ✔ Earn Bitcoins from interest payments % Earn Bitcoins from mining 💎 Earn Bitcoins by getting tipped 👏 Earn Bitcoins through trading 📈 Earn Bitcoins as a regular income 👨 Earn Bitcoins from gambling - not suitable for everyone 🎰

Pci Voinici Channel

sâmbătă, 17 noiembrie 2018

INVATAM CULORILE Video Distractiv cu Masini Colorate

Aboneaza-te la canalul nostru 🔔 PICI VOINICI 🔊 http://bit.ly/2pVc89d pentru mai multe Video Distractive si Educative pentru Copilul Tau. Pentru mai multe Desene Animate Educative pentru Copii în Limba Romana: Mijloace de Transport 🚒 🚜 🚓 🚁 http://bit.ly/2pRSOKg Forme si Culori 🔴 ⬛ 🔷 🔺 ♦ ⬜ 🔸 http://bit.ly/2JclbdQ Alfabetul si Cifrele 🅰️ 🅱️ 1️⃣ 2️⃣ http://bit.ly/2IljdGO Animale si Pasari 🐦 🦆 🐖 🐇 🐈 http://bit.ly/2GprtsT Puzzle si Potriviri 🎲 🀄 http://bit.ly/2GsF1Qi Jucarii LEGO ▶️ http://bit.ly/2pUMaCb VIZIONARE PLACUTA !!! 📺 📺 📺 Ne Gasiti si Retelele de Socializare: Facebook https://ift.tt/2zMgdks Twitter https://twitter.com/RankBio Reddit https://ift.tt/2TaWJ1R Pinterest https://ift.tt/2zJoO7k Vkontakte https://ift.tt/2T7v4Ph Google+ https://ift.tt/2zPWccw Blogger https://ift.tt/2T5HtmE StumbleUpon https://ift.tt/2zMcR0O #PiciVoinici #DeseneAnimate #Masini #VideoCopii #VideoEducativ #VideoMasini #VideoAutomobile #VideoTransport #Vehicule #Transport #VideoLimbaRomana #Automobil #Avion #Elicopter #Barca #Nava #Tractor #Tanc #Alfabet #Litere #Poezii #Animale #Pasari #Puzzle #Potriviri

Pci Voinici Channel

miercuri, 14 noiembrie 2018

Ruta nr. 4 după modificările din 2018 (categoria B).

Vă prezentăm ruta nr. 4 de obținere a permisului de conducere, la categoria B, după modificările din 2018! --- Școala auto ARTUR CECAN Chișinău, Moldova --- Chișinău, Str. Sarmizegetusa 37/2 www.arturcecan.md 067411700, 069649643

Pci Voinici Channel

luni, 12 noiembrie 2018

Ghicitori pentru Copii Video Educativ Invatam Animalele si Pasarile Distractiv

Aboneaza-te la canalul nostru 🔔 PICI VOINICI 🔊 http://bit.ly/2pVc89d pentru mai multe Video Distractive si Educative pentru Copilul Tau. Ghicitori pentru Copii Video Educativ Invatam Animalele si Pasarile Distractiv Pentru mai multe Desene Animate Educative pentru Copii în Limba Romana: Mijloace de Transport 🚒 🚜 🚓 🚁 http://bit.ly/2pRSOKg Forme si Culori 🔴 ⬛ 🔷 🔺 ♦ ⬜ 🔸 http://bit.ly/2JclbdQ Alfabetul si Cifrele 🅰️ 🅱️ 1️⃣ 2️⃣ http://bit.ly/2IljdGO Animale si Pasari 🐦 🦆 🐖 🐇 🐈 http://bit.ly/2GprtsT Puzzle si Potriviri 🎲 🀄 http://bit.ly/2GsF1Qi Jucarii LEGO ▶️ http://bit.ly/2pUMaCb VIZIONARE PLACUTA !!! 📺 📺 📺 Ne Gasiti si Retelele de Socializare: Facebook https://ift.tt/2zMgdks Twitter https://twitter.com/RankBio Reddit https://ift.tt/2TaWJ1R Pinterest https://ift.tt/2zJoO7k Vkontakte https://ift.tt/2T7v4Ph Google+ https://ift.tt/2zPWccw Blogger https://ift.tt/2T5HtmE StumbleUpon https://ift.tt/2zMcR0O #PiciVoinici #DeseneAnimate #Masini #VideoCopii #VideoEducativ #VideoMasini #VideoAutomobile #VideoTransport #Vehicule #Transport #VideoLimbaRomana #Automobil #Avion #Elicopter #Barca #Nava #Tractor #Tanc #Alfabet #Litere #Poezii #Animale #Pasari #Puzzle #Potriviri

Pci Voinici Channel

marți, 23 octombrie 2018

Are Mama O Fetita Frumusica Foc - Cantece Gradinita .ro

Era și timpul ca una dintre animațiile noastre să fie dedicate celor mai frumoase, deștepte și cuminți fetițe! De aceea, poți considera acest cântecel un mic cadou din partea noastră pentru prințesa ta. Acum poti descarca melodiile noastre si de pe iTunes, Amazon si Google Play: https://ift.tt/2CAkZEr Nou! Aplicatie Cantece Gradinita pentru Android si iOS ! Descarc-o de pe Google Play https://goo.gl/EPrTW9 sau App Store https://goo.gl/Gq8oMW Vrei sa fii notificat cand apare un cantecel nou? Da click pe link-ul urmator pentru a te abona: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=cantecegradinita Playlist cu cantece animate pentru copii: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH2HQNDr0PXIJyHjfXlz81JG5cSVBFY8U Ne puteti gasi si pe https://ift.tt/1jCXlKe Versuri: Are Mama O Fetita ------------------------------------- Are mama o fetita, cat un ghemotoc Are mama o fetita, cumintica foc Vesela si harnicuta unde s-ar afla Parca e o albinuta, asa este ea Si la scoala si acasa ea mereu de zor Fata mamei e voioasa si de ajutor Acasa eu cred ca nu strica sa fii gospodina mereu Caci patul mi-l fac singurica si praful il sterg numai eu Ghiozdanul mi-l fac de cu seara si pun tot ce trebuie-n el Imi dau pantofiorii cu ceara si sortul mi-l calc frumusel Are mama o fetita, cat un ghemotoc Are mama o fetita, cumintica foc Vesela si harnicuta unde s-ar afla Parca e o albinuta, asa este ea Si la scoala si acasa ea mereu da zor Fata mamei e voioasa si da ajutor La scoala, la fel ca acasa imi place cuminte sa scriu Si sunt totdeauna in clasa, atenta ascult ca sa stiu Si vreau sa invat cat mai bine sa fiu un exemplu mereu Oriunde-i nevoie de mine, indata prezenta-s si eu Are mama o fetita, cat un ghemotoc Are mama o fetita, cumintica foc Vesela si harnicuta unde s-ar afla Parca e o albinuta, asa este ea Si la scoala si acasa ea mereu de zor Fata mamei e voioasa si de ajutor Are Mama O Fetita ------------------------------- Fiecare părinte este întotdeauna mândru de copiii săi, iar fiecare bunic își laudă, cu zâmbetul pe buze, nepoțeii... Părem un popor destul de lăudăros, dar cu știm cu toții că avem motive întemeiate să ne mândrim cu puiuții noștri! Protagonista noului nostru cântecel animat, „Are Mama o Fetiță” simbolizează micile noastre puștoaice, care, încă de la o vârstă fragedă, se remarcă printr-o suită de atribute excepționale. Cine s-ar fi gândit că o fetiță de doar câțiva anișori poate da dovadă de un asemenea profesionalism? În mod sigur, felul în care aceasta învață cu seriozitate, fiind o elevă excepțională, neuitând însă că mama sa are nevoie de ajutor la treburile casnice, este cu totul impresionant! Astfel, cântecelul nostru devine o celebrare a numeroaselor calități ale fetițelor noastre, proiectând nu doar în plan muzical, ci și în plan animat, valoarea eroinelor în fustițe colorate și pantofiori albi. Dacă vă place această animație, nu uitați să îi dați like și să vă împărtășiți părerea cu noi printr-un comentariu. Vizionare plăcută! Alte cantece pentru copii ------------------------------------- Noi Suntem Piticii: http://goo.gl/PTZdhK Oac Oac Diri Diri Dam: http://goo.gl/CdJIpW Acum E Toamna, Da!: https://goo.gl/ca1Bxi Masa Mare - Doua Gaste: https://goo.gl/PFCuWz Azi Grivei E Manios: https://goo.gl/IN9iQz Micutul Paianjen: http://goo.gl/CPCi9N In Padurea Cu Alune: http://goo.gl/03ojLw Daca Vesel Se Traieste: http://goo.gl/G1sLVq Albinuta Mea: https://goo.gl/IYJa4n A Vrut O Babuta: http://goo.gl/Adhcev Noi Suntem Ciupercute: http://goo.gl/Dvhm07 Iepuras Coconas: https://goo.gl/c5pGhq Mos Craciun Cu Plete Dalbe: https://goo.gl/38x6ht Vine Vine Primavara: http://goo.gl/OCacK3 Melc Melc Codobelc: https://goo.gl/no1hMq Alunelu, Alunelu Hai La Joc: http://goo.gl/Olt2eZ Ferma animalelor: http://goo.gl/QGey7U Stralucesti Micuta Stea: http://goo.gl/eCvCmn Ceata lui Pitigoi: https://goo.gl/0wupyg Autobuzul: https://goo.gl/v314aT Ursul Doarme Si Viseaza: https://goo.gl/nauVjw Steluta Jucausa: http://goo.gl/07W07R A Fost Odata Un Castel: https://goo.gl/Odpp7O Boroboata: http://goo.gl/HpVYBD Coace Prajitura: https://goo.gl/FBK7cN Animalele: https://goo.gl/quzBIK Nu mi-e frica de Bau Bau: http://goo.gl/K1P6ho Bate Vantul Frunzele: http://goo.gl/0zADxx Fetita Harnicuta: https://goo.gl/u4IZgO Un Motan Cat Un Pisoi: http://goo.gl/5IsEMV O Ratusca Sta Pe Lac: http://goo.gl/XSOJOF Taranul e pe camp: https://goo.gl/t0V6m5 Vine Melcul Suparat: http://goo.gl/GKiYtl Ratustele Mele Pe Apa s-au Dus: http://goo.gl/rArn6B Un Elefant Se Legana: http://goo.gl/RqrMX8 Vulpe Tu Mi-ai Furat Gasca: http://goo.gl/0znHE6 Cantecul pentru copii "Are Mama O Fetita" v-a fost oferit de CanteceGradinita.ro Dacă vă place această animație, nu uitați să îi dați like și să vă împărtășiți părerea cu noi printr-un comentariu. Vizionare plăcută! ------------------------------------------------ © 2018 Vveee Media Limited. ------------------------------------------------

Pci Voinici Channel

BabyRiki 60MIN (Marea lui Pandy) - Desene animate | TraLaLa

Abonează-te la TraLaLa! ► http://bit.ly/Imi-place-TraLaLa Cele mai frumoase desene animate în limba română pentru copiii mici! Vino să înveți lucruri noi și minunate cu BabyRiki! Episoade noi de desene animate vor apărea în fiecare miercuri și sâmbătă de la orele 19:00, așa că nu uita să te abonezi la canalul TraLaLa. Dă click pe episodul tău preferat: 0:00 Marea lui Pandy 4:28 De-a v-ați ascunselea 8:48 Secretul 13:11 Tub 17:33 Noapte bună mică stea! 21:58 Căluțul 26:22 Mărgele 30:44 Prieteni 35:08 Trotinetă 39:28 Dințișori de lapte 43:51 Carioci colorate 48:03 Racheta 52:23 Fotbal 56:46 Mozaic Vizionează și cântecele pentru copii în limba română, apăsând link-urile de mai jos: Cântece TraLaLa http://bit.ly/Cantecele-TraLaLa Cântece de toamnă TraLaLa http://bit.ly/Cantece-de-Toamna Cântece de leagăn TraLaLa http://bit.ly/Cantece-de-leagan Cântece de iarnă pentru copii TraLaLa http://bit.ly/Cantece-de-iarna Cântece de primăvară pentru copii TraLaLa http://bit.ly/Cantece-de-Primavara Nu rata nici cântecele pentru copii în limba engleză: http://bit.ly/Cantece-in-engleza Dă-ne un LIKE și pe Facebook: https://ift.tt/2PgQWIF Suntem întotdeauna bucuroși să primim mesajele voastre! Ne puteți lăsa comentarii pe Facebook sau aici, pe YouTube! #tralala #cantecepentrucopiitralala

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